This multimedia video and information is about the beginning of the creation of life and Greek mythology in gerneral. It tells how in the beginning there was only chaos and Gaea but that out of a void Erebus formed. Then, later Love was born too which brought on the forms of night and day. Gaea then gave birth to Uranus who then became her mate. Together they bore Cyclopeses, the three heades Hecatoncheires, and twelve Titans. Uranus wasn't a good father and imprisoned his children deep into the womb of Gaea which angered her to where she asked her brave, yougest son named Cronus, to kill Uranus. The video states that, "Out of the killing of Uranus came the goddess Aphrodite". Cronus became ruler and married his sister Rhea, whom it had been prophesized that one of Cronus sons would over throw him. So, every time Rhea gave birth, Cronus would swallow the child whole. ONe day Rhea decided to trick Cronus and hand him over a rock instead of her son Zeus, who was being raised by nymphs. When grown, Zeus went up to Mount Olympus, poisoned his father, and got back all of his swallowed brothers and sisters. A war still ended up raging between Cronus and Zeus, but Zeus eventually won and became ruler of Mount Olympus. As time went by the gods and goddesses grew bored and decided to create mankind for entertainment, but didn't expect for any of them to be deceiving being that they were a lower power. Zeus didn't share Prometheus' feelings and wanted to prevent ment from having power, expecially over fire. Prometheus cared more for the man than for the wrath of the king of the gods, so he stole fire from Zeus' lightning, concealed it in a hollow sstalk of fennel, and brought it to man. Prometheus also stole skells from Hephaestus and Athena to give to man. This outraged Zeus, so he put him up on the top of a mountain where every day an eagal would swoop down and pick out his liver and every day he'd grow that liver back so that the same torture could be preformed daily. He did this so that all mankind would know that decieving would lead to punishment.
This multimedia information and video was pretty entertaining to me. I had never hear the Greek story of creation until now and by seeing it I've realized some pretty weird parallelism. First off, it basically brings up the identity of mother earth (Gaea) which we still make connections and inferrences to today. The next realization that I came to was that of the effects of incest. The story tells how the children born from Gaea and her son, Uranus, were that of monsters, thus making the connection of the effects of incest in real life. This story also foretells the consequences of actions and the effect of karma. For intance, Uranus ends up getting over thrown and Prometheus ends up getting punished with torture for his defiance and his thievery. I also liked how it put a twist on how exactly mankind began and how, by the influence of Prometheus, we started to evolve into a more complex race.
Great other than missing a direct quote